









Sekilas Tentang TERAPI GIGI


Pada tanggal 3 Oktober 1997, berdasarkan SK Dirjen Depdikbud RI No.396/DIKTI/Kep/1997 terbentuk Program Studi Diploma IV Perawat Pendidik di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin. Program Studi DIV perawat pendidik merupakan cikal bakal berdirinya Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan (PSIK). Saat berdirinya Program DIV Perawat Pendidik, ada 4 peminatan yang diselenggarakan antara lain: Keperawatan Dasar, Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, Keperawatan Maternitas, dan Keperawatan Anak, dimana peserta didik sebagian besar berasal dari institusi pendidikan dan pelayanan keperawatan yang ada di Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Program ini kemudian bertambah menjadi enam peminatan, dengan dimasukkannya Keperawatan Jiwa dan Keperawatan Komunitas. Program DIV Perawat Pendidik ini kemudian ditutup pada tahun 2001 dan beralih menjadi Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin (PSIK FK-UNHAS).

PSIK FK-UNHAS didirikan pada tanggal 18 Mei 1999 dan merupakan program studi termuda di lingkungan Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS, dimana penyelenggarannya dimulai pada pertengahan tahun 2000. Pada tahun 2017, tepatnya tanggal 8 September Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan (PSIK) berhasil dalam perubahan status dari Program Studi menjadi Fakultas Keperawatan yang ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Rektor Universitas Hasanuddin Nomor 26150/UN4.1/KL.06/2017.

Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Hasanuddin saat ini memiliki 5 program studi antara lain Program Studi Magister Ilmu Keperawatan, Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan, Program studi Profesi Ners, Program Studi Fisioterapi, dan Program Studi Profesi Fisioterapi. Dalam penyelenggaraannya Fakultas Keperawatan dituntut untuk berusaha sejajar dan mandiri bersama dengan fakultas lain di lingkungan Unhas sebagai PTNBH.

  • Laboratorium keperawatan dasar
  • Laboratorium keperawatan medikal bedah
  • Laboratorium perawatan gawat darurat
  • Laboratorium keperawatan darurat
  • Laboratorium keperawatan kritis
  • Laboratorium keperawatan bencana
  • Laboratorium keperawatan maternitas
  • Laboratorium keperawatan anak
  • Laboratorium keperawatan komunitas
  • Laboratorium keperawatan keluarga
  • Laboratorium keperawatan gerontik


The Bachelor of Physiotherapy Program (S.Ft) is completed in 8 (eight) semesters over 4 (four) years consisting of 45 courses with a total of 147 credits. After passing the academic stage of Bachelor of Physiotherapy (S.Ft), students must continue to the Physiotherapy professional stage to become a Physio (Ftr) as the main requirement to practice physiotherapy independently and professionally.

The first phase consists of two semesters, namely Semester I and Semester II. In this phase, the basics of humanities and the development of sports and artistic talents are given as a basis for understanding the function of movement, learning skills as a lifelong learning concept, social and public health, informatics technology and the basics of normal biological structures and functions.

The second phase consists of two semesters, namely semester III and IV. In this phase, it begins with the basics of examining, processing and measuring FT, understanding various physiotherapy modalities, body movements, electrophysics and physical sources, as well as research and statistical methodologies related to the concept of health and illness in biological structures and functions related to movement problems and movement functions of individuals and communities whose applications use concepts such as therapeutic communication, humanities, interpreneurship, and physiotherapy pharmacology are presented in an integrated manner. In the 4th semester, physiotherapy process management was also given on the concept of health and illness (pathology) in neurology and musculoskeletal.

The third phase is presented in three semesters, namely semester V, VI, and VII. In this phase, management of the physiotherapy process is given to the concept of health and especially the concept of pain (pathology) related to the structure and function of individual and community body movements as well as growth and development (pediatrics), geriatrics, cardiovasculopulmonary, women’s health and integument, sports physiotherapy, functional therapy. , as well as clinical skills. Meanwhile, ethics and health laws, service management, epidemiology, ergonomics and hyper health as well as health psychology are provided in an integrated manner. Furthermore, the academic program is continued with various community-based activities in the form of Real Work Lectures (KKN). In the fourth phase, namely semester VIII, it is focused on the preparation of scientific papers (thesis), thesis seminars which are the end of the academic phase and maturation of technology in the form of courses that oriented to preclinics with the aim of bridging clinical skills and professional abilities. After completing these phases, the graduate earns a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy (S.Ft.).

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy, they will prepare themselves to continue to the Physiotherapy Professional Education Study Program as the main requirement to practice physiotherapy independently and professionally.

Vision of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program

“To produce physiotherapy scholars who have MARITIME character and have the advantage in applying the latest modification of Physiotherapy Science and Technology in 2022”.

Mission of the Physiotherapy Study Program

  1. Organizing professional, transparent, accountable, and responsive management of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program.
  2. Organizing science, technology and research-based physiotherapy education and research with national and international standards.
  3. Implementing and disseminating Physiotherapy science and technology for the realization of a healthy and just society from the aspect of movement and function.